SPOILER WARNING AND EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. Not for kids. Nor people who dislike spoilers. Nor anyone, really.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

e097: Final Fox? Storming Mini-Consoles With Blood and Such!

e097: Final Fox? Storming Mini-Consoles With Blood and Such!

Plenty in this episode, so here are some timestamps:

0:00:29 - The SNES Classic Mini! Is it worth it? Is Star Fox 2's inclusion important?

0:15:41 - Is Chrono Trigger overrated? One of the two fat guys thinks so, and shits on Masato Kato too.

0:17:52 - Carlos craps on Nintendo for leaving Argonaut Games out to dry over Star Fox 2.

0:23:43 - Final Fantasy XIV! Before we get to the good stuff, we first talk about how terrible it was pre-Realm Reborn, and how much Final Fantasy XI sucks.

0:38:36 - Carlos and Dave get to A Realm Reborn and the latest expansion, Stormblood. Both really like it!

0:49:19 - Carlos and Dave have a heated "debate" about whether Stormblood's new skill changes offer "more customization" than before. Quotations because it's not a debate: one side presents facts while the other "disagrees" with facts.

1:01:13 - We get past said "debate" and spend the rest of the episode talking about Final Fantasy XIV, World of WarCraft, and MMOs in general.

1:26:05 - Final Fantasy character and place names have been getting progressively worse for years now, and XIV is the biggest offender...

"Sword vs. Moon Rod" art by RedCaliburn:
DeviantArt - http://RedCaliburn.deviantart.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/RedCaliburn/

We have a tip jar! Completely optional, but if interested:

http://TwoFatGuysTalk.com | http://AnimeRave.xyz

Friday, June 23, 2017

[Review] [Reaction] My Hero Academia season 2 eps. 9-12 simuldub

We review more of My Hero Academia! Ice meets fire. Optimism meets reality. Bakugou wins indignantly.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

e094: E3 2017 Part 1 - EA and Xbox

e094: E3 2017 Part 1 - EA and Xbox

Part 1 of our E3 impressions covers the EA and Xbox conferences, with a bit of Sony and Nintendo speculation.

"Sword vs. Moon Rod" art by RedCaliburn:
DeviantArt - http://RedCaliburn.deviantart.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/RedCaliburn/

We have a tip jar! Completely optional, but if interested:

http://TwoFatGuysTalk.com | http://AnimeRave.xyz

Friday, June 9, 2017

Two Fat Guys Talk E3 2017 - Our Plans

Greetings and salutations, folks. Carlos here, with a breakdown of what Dave and I are planning for E3 2017. It consists of live tweeting and podcasts.

Check out the Two Fat Guys Talk (http://twitter.com/TwoFatGuysTalk) account, which will be set to re-tweet everything Dave (http://twitter.com/TheDudeHack) and Carlos (http://twitter.com/OrbisAetherum) tweet about E3 2017.

Saturday June 10
  • Dave and Carlos will be live tweeting impressions of the EA conference at 1 pm Mountain Time (12 pm Pacific).
Sunday June 11
  • Dave and Carlos will be live tweeting impressions of the Microsoft conference at 3 pm Mountain Time (2 pm Pacific).
  • Ditto for the Bethesda conference at 10 pm Mountain Time (9 pm Pacific).
  • Carlos will also live tweet impressions of the Devolver Digital conference at 11 pm Mountain Time (10 pm Pacific).
  • Sunday evening, or early Monday morning, our first E3 impressions podcast will go up, covering our thoughts of the EA and Microsoft presentations.
Monday June 12
  • No live tweets of the PC Gaming Show nor the Ubisoft conference, as both Carlos and Dave will be busy with other obligations.
  • We will live tweet impressions of the Sony conference at 7 pm Mountain Time (6 pm Pacific).
  • Monday evening, our second E3 impressions podcast will go up, covering our thoughts of the PC Gaming, Ubisoft, and Sony presentations.
Tuesday June 13
  • Carlos will be live tweeting impressions of the Nintendo Direct at 10 am Mountain Time (9 am Pacific), and possibly live tweeting Treehouse stuff throughout the day, depending on how his time plays out.
  • Tuesday evening, our third and final E3 impressions podcast will go up, covering our thoughts of Nintendo and E3 2017 as a whole.
Stay tuned, and enjoy E3!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

[Review] [Reaction] Steven Universe s5e01-04: Wanted

The Steven Universe "Wanted" special kicks off season 5, consisting of four episodes: Stuck Together, The Trial, Off Color, and Lars' Head. Carlos and Dave review and react to all of them, and have... theories...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Video Format Update - Looking for Feedback

ATTN: Folks who watch the Carlos and Dave Anime Rave, the best anime review and reaction show on the internet, found at http://AnimeRave.xyz. I am the titular Carlos, and I am looking for some feedback.

Dave and I, we get hit with YouTube copyright notices and strikes, a lot. Like, a *lot*. It's a hassle to deal with at best, and sometimes brings down our joint YouTube channel and even my own personal channel for fairly long stretches.

Each individual review/reaction we upload is another potential copyright strike, with each take about a month to clear when I file counter-notifications. Since what we do falls under Fair Use law in both Canada and the US, every single strike, thus far, gets revoked.

But since each video is a potential strike, that's a lot of strikes. To circumvent this somewhat, I sometimes group reviews together, usually within the same series (e.g., a Steven Universe season). However, that means that sometimes we aren't putting out content shortly after the thing we're reviewing.

So I had a brainstorm, and this is where your feedback comes in: what if we did what we did in digests? Similar to the "Winter Four Fails" video we did not too long ago? I'm thinking weekly videos that each contain multiple reviews, each having like a 20-second Table of Contents at the beginning with timecodes.

The benefits: one video means, at most, one potential strike. And if they happened weekly, like every Friday, AND I use my own YouTube channel to space them out now and then, it would probably lead to a much more manageable stream of copyright notices. Plus, making it weekly means consistency for both our channel and my editing workload.

What say you? Would you be okay with this format? Would you watch the videos in their entirety, or just scroll to the timecode for the shows you cared about? Would you feel that's a hassle?

We want to hear from you about this.