SPOILER WARNING AND EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. Not for kids. Nor people who dislike spoilers. Nor anyone, really.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

[Review] Kill La Kill Final Thoughts & Dub Impressions

From the award-winning [citation needed] gaming podcast Two Fat Guys Talk Games comes the Carlos and Dave Anime Rave! It's pretty self-explanatory, really.

In this episode, we give our final thoughts on Kill La Kill and discuss our impressions of Aniplex's Kill La Kill dub preview.

Note: when Carlos edited this, he used still screens and images from Aniplex's official US Kill La Kill site (killlakill.com). This is NOT setting a precedent for future episodes of the Anime Rave, which will continue to be mostly clips from episodes and our reactions as we watched them. For this episode, it's just us talking after the fact, so this approach makes sense. We'll return to the usual clips and reactions style next time.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

e050: E3 2014 Thoughts and Impressions Galore

e050: E3 2014 Thoughts and Impressions Galore

-- Dave, Carlos, and friends give their thoughts and feelings on the recently concluded E3 of 2014! Some technical difficulties will not stop us. Listen, for we are observant and such.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

[Review] Kill La Kill Mid Season Review & Impressions

From the award-winning [citation needed] gaming podcast Two Fat Guys Talk Games comes the Carlos and Dave Anime Rave! It's pretty self-explanatory, really. Watch us talk about Kill La Kill after having completed half of it.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

e049: Pre-E3 2014 Sexcellent Talkings

e049: Pre-E3 2014 Sexcellent Talkings

-- Dave and Carlos talk about this year's E3 (this coming week!), including predictions and wishlists and whatnot. This episode was released the Sunday before E3 week; tune in next Sunday (June 15) for our impressions!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

[Review] Kill La Kill eps. 2 and 3

From the award-winning [citation needed] gaming podcast Two Fat Guys Talk Games comes the Carlos and Dave Anime Rave! It's pretty self-explanatory, really. Watch us react to and rate the second and third episodes of Kill La Kill!